All Users Have Been Betrayed. Privacy Is Gone As The Deep State Wins Again
Telegram, the messaging app renowned for its encryption and privacy features, now faces a storm of controversy… CEO Pavel Durov recently announced that Telegram will begin handing over data of users who break the rules when requested by authorities. The timing of this change follows closely on the heels of Durov’s detention and indictment by French authorities. The allegations against him? They suggest he had refused to cooperate with investigations into criminal activities happening on the app.
JUST IN: Telegram will now provide users’ IP addresses, phone numbers, and other details to relevant authorities in response to legal requests
— wallstreetbets (@wallstreetbets) September 23, 2024
Durov, from his Telegram account, explained the shift—Telegram’s service and privacy policies would now reflect a global consistency. His words carried a mix of responsibility and caution… “We’ve made it clear—those who violate our rules may have their IP addresses and phone numbers handed over to authorities upon valid legal requests,” Durov wrote, seeking to balance privacy with the need to discourage criminals from exploiting the platform. Telegram’s search feature, often used to find friends or stay updated on news, had allegedly been hijacked by bad actors—individuals promoting illegal goods and services. The platform, according to Durov, has already started filtering such content using artificial intelligence… a necessary step, though a contentious one in the eyes of many privacy advocates.
BREAKING – Telegram CEO, has agreed to provide user data to governments.
… including IP addresses and phone numbers.
One wonders what sort of pressure was exerted on a private businessman by multiple governments to agree this deal.
Total online control…. Oh.
— Bernie (@Artemisfornow) September 23, 2024
But the storm doesn’t stop at policy updates. Durov, a dual citizen of Russia and France, currently faces a slate of criminal charges from Paris prosecutors. The accusations range from complicity in distributing child sexual abuse materials to enabling money laundering and drug trafficking through Telegram’s channels. Allegedly, when authorities knocked on Telegram’s door for information, Durov shut it—refusing to provide documentation or comply with investigative requests. As a result, he spent several days under police custody before being released on a staggering 5 million euro bail.
The world’s eyes are now fixed on Telegram… The arrest put the app under intense scrutiny, with critics raising alarms about whether the platform has become a haven for criminal activity. Telegram, however, defended its position—stating that its moderation standards align with industry norms, and Durov himself expressed shock over his detention. Still, the situation remains tense… questions linger over privacy, free speech, and the balance between keeping user content safe while ensuring bad actors are held accountable.
Telegram will now hand over the IP addresses, phone numbers, and personal information of users if requested by authorities
— Dexerto (@Dexerto) September 23, 2024
The platform offers its nearly billion users an array of communication tools, including large group chats with capacities reaching up to 200,000 people. With such expansive reach, Telegram’s privacy protocols differ significantly from other platforms like WhatsApp, which tops out at 1,024 users per group. While some experts acknowledge these differences, others worry about what Durov’s legal troubles signal for tech companies operating in Europe, as regulations tighten across the continent.
Major Points:
- Telegram, under CEO Pavel Durov, will begin sharing user data with authorities for rule violations.
- Durov was recently detained by French authorities on charges linked to illegal activities on the platform.
- Telegram’s privacy policies now apply globally, signaling a shift in the company’s approach to handling illicit content.
- Durov’s legal troubles raise questions about the balance between privacy and the platform’s responsibility.
- Telegram’s vast user base and encrypted features pose challenges as European regulations increase scrutiny.
Al Santana