"Balance of Power" focuses on the intersection of politics and global business. On the show today, Nick Akerman, Former Assistant US Attorney and Former Watergate Prosecutor, shares his insight on if the appearance of Speaker Mike Johnson, Governor Doug Burgum, and other Republicans attending former President Trump’s court hearing calls for a judge to remove them due to potentially intimidating witnesses. Anna Ashton, Former Department of Defense Intelligence Officer & Founder of Ashton Analytics, discusses President Biden raising tariffs on Chinese imports and states this is largely messaging from the Biden Administration.
00:00 Balance of Power Begins
12:08 Former Assistant US Attorney Nick Akerman
19:57 Bloomber’s Stuart Paul
23:25 Former Department of Defense Intelligence Officer, Anna Ashton
34:18 Political Panel with Republican Main Street Partnership President & CEO Sarah Chamberlain, and Rokk Solutions Partner Kristen Hawn
41:23: Political Panel with Republican Main Street Partnership President & CEO Sarah Chamberlain, and Rokk Solutions Partner Kristen Hawn
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