"Balance of Power" focuses on the intersection of politics and global business. On the show today, Democratic Representative of Illinois, Brad Schneider, voices why he thinks President Biden should withdraw from the Presidential race and "pass the torch to the next generation." Jenn Jackson, Political Science Professor at Syracuse University, discusses the key takeaways from President Biden’s news conference Thursday night at the NATO Summit.
00:00 Balance of Power Starts
02:25 Bloomberg’s Megan Scully & Laura Davison on Takeaways From Biden’s News Conference
11:19 Rep. Brad Schneider (D) Illinois on the Fallout From Biden’s News Conference
20:05 Bloomberg’s Enda Curran on Latest Inflation Data
24:16 Jenn Jackson, Political Science Professor at Syracuse University on Reaction From Biden’s Performance During News Conference
31:42 Political Panel with Rick Davis, Stonecourt Capital Partner, & Jeanne Sheehan Zaino, Iona University Political Science Professor
39:07 Uncorking Washington: The History of Wine at the White House
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